Sobre la obra
"Ripartire dalla Terra" (Starting over from the Soil" is a social agriculture project carried out in collaboration with the Ser.d. di Sapri and financed with OPM funds from the Waldensian Evangelical Church ( This is a "pilot" project that intends to test a first social path able to offer users of the Ser.d. non-medical contexts for care and socio-labor insertion in agricultural activities. "Ripartire dalla Terra" is therefore aimed at the work placement of subjects with drug addiction problems through a gradual process of theoretical, practical and experiential learning. Music by Oniric
Sobre el creador
Musician from the Earth. Oniric is my new way of seeing music. No rules, no borders, no limits; playing all instruments, without metronomes, without harmonic rules, without a precise path. Just a clear goal, reach Nirvana Music passing through its flash of INSPIRATION.