03-Sergey Kovchik-From the manuscript. Minuet
Sergey Kovchik
Saint - Petersburg - Rusia
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Sobre la obra

Instrumental, orchestral music, created on the computer. Brief plot: During the repair of the old organ, musical manuscripts of an unknown author were discovered. The author of the photo is "somerfic". Garni Gorge. Armenia. https://somerfic.livejournal.com/2012/11/21/ The album was recorded in 2019.

Registrado en Safe Creative

Código: 2002083047130
Fecha: 08-feb-2020 10:28 UTC
Composición: Sergey Kovchik
Grabación : Sergey Kovchik
Licencia: Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 3.0

Más información

Sobre el creador

Instrumental and vocal music, with combined genres, created on the computer. (Caricature (1978) by Valery Ryumin). A short interview for the site Creative People http://people.safecreative.org/showMagazine/16#article1

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