Daniel Cedero of "Club de Piragüismo Pobla Marina" at the XV Eurochallenge 2024 - La Vila Joiosa (Alicante) - SPAIN
JPG 4896 x 3672 Digital - 2024
Arturo Hernández Santodomingo
Valencia - España
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Daniel Cedero of "Club de Piragüismo Pobla Marina" once reached the finish line at the XV Eurochallenge 2024 that took place on 27th April in La Vila Joiosa (Alicante) - SPAIN.

JPG 4896 x 3672 Digital

Photo: Arturo Hernández Santodomingo © All rights reserved.

ISNI 0000 0005 0261 5188

Registrado en Safe Creative

Código: 2405017839724
Fecha: 01-may-2024 21:51 UTC
Autor: Arturo Hernández Santodomingo
Licencia: Todos los derechos reservados

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Visual Arts | Photography | Independent | Post-punk | Valencia |

Based in Valencia SPAIN © All rights reserved

ISNI 0000 0005 0261 5188

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