Mother Earth #2
Alexandre Sole
Lleida - España
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Sobre la obra

With this photorealistic digital work, the second in my Mother Earth series, I wanted to capture the beauty and rawness of cold remote ocean regions, while playing with the contrast of ice, sea and sun.

The ice frame symbolises the entrance to "the wonders of Mother Earth" and the leaving behind of all conflicts, chaos and daily life excessive worries.

Registrado en Safe Creative

Código: 2404257772792
Fecha: 25-abr-2024 20:12 UTC
Autor: Alexandre Solé Carretero
Licencia: Todos los derechos reservados

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Sobre el creador

“Seeking the extraordinary in the ordinary”

With the emergence of generative AI, my long-time dormant artistic skills and my passion for photorealism have recently been re-awakened, and my creativity re-ignited.

Since 2023 I am using and experimenting with a suite of AI tools and techniques to produce distinctive works of digital art, in which I try to capture the extraordinary in the ordinary.

My current focus is on natural landscapes and on manmade urbanscapes, my main sources of inspiration together with the intriguing yet often fruitful collision of both worlds.


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