The edge of immensity
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Sobre la obra

"The edge of immensity" is music composed by me. © Nave Artificial 2023

"Wait for me there, at the edge of immensity,

Where your light will guide my steps"


Nave Artificial, musician and composer from the north of Spain.

As a guitarist, bassist and synthesist I compose and record my own instrumental pieces, inspired by

mystical and melancholic atmospheres.

You can get my music and my discography here:

My Youtube channel:

Registrado en Safe Creative

Código: 2304254139751
Fecha: 25-abr-2023 09:46 UTC
Letra: Javier de las Heras Gutiérrez
Composición: Javier de las Heras Gutiérrez
Grabación : Javier de las Heras Gutiérrez
Licencia: Todos los derechos reservados

Más información

Sobre el creador

“My name is Nave Artificial, musician and composer from the north of Spain. As a guitarist and synthesist I compose and record my own instrumental pieces, inspired by mystical and melancholic atmospheres. ”

Many of my works were created years ago, before the internet era and the modern sound libraries.

Even nowadays, my main instruments when I compose my music are my guitar and my old synthesizers from the 90's and 80's

My equipment:


E-mu Proteus 2 - Orchestral (1989)

Roland Sound Canvas SC-88 (1994)

Roland Super JV-1080 (1994)

E-mu Proteus 2000 (1998)


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