Pilgrim Of Eternity
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"Pilgrim Of Eternity" © Nave Artificial and Lisa Dawson

Music and lyrics by Nave Artificial

Vocals by Lisa Dawson


(Lyrics by Nave Artificial)

“Go, my explorer” then he said

“Across the vastness bring to me the hidden nature of my reign”

And when the maker touched his eyes

Eternal visions drenched his dreams,

Unearthly gems of fire and gold

At his command he explored the worlds one day created by his lord

The pilgrim’s journey had begun

Forgotten paths of ageless realms

A million dawns flooded his eyes

Emerald seas rose to the skies

Voyager towards the unknown shore, argonaut of immensity

Keep your course, be the aurora in the night

When you find what your lord once sealed.

Kingdoms drenched with rays of light divine

Sacred dreams of eternity

Keep your course, navigator of dawn

Find what still remains unrevealed

There… where the angels can’t trespass

Where the conceivable dissolves

The pilgrim reached his final goal

Vanishing in the absolute

He crossed the threshold’s majesty

Losing all trace of what he was

And he returned and sealed the gates

The angels bowed in his wake

A million worlds rose at his will

“Go, my explorer” then he said

“Across the vastness, bring to me the hidden nature of my reign”


Nave Artificial, musician and composer from the north of Spain.

As a guitarist, bassist and synthesist I compose and record my own instrumental pieces, inspired by mystical and melancholic atmospheres.

You can get my music and my discography here:


My Youtube channel:


Registrado en Safe Creative

Código: 2202200523954
Fecha: 20-feb-2022 14:00 UTC
Letra: Javier de las Heras Gutiérrez
Grabación : Javier de las Heras Gutiérrez
Composición: Javier de las Heras Gutiérrez
Licencia: Todos los derechos reservados

Más información

Sobre el creador

“My name is Nave Artificial, musician and composer from the north of Spain. As a guitarist and synthesist I compose and record my own instrumental pieces, inspired by mystical and melancholic atmospheres. ”

Many of my works were created years ago, before the internet era and the modern sound libraries.

Even nowadays, my main instruments when I compose my music are my guitar and my old synthesizers from the 90's and 80's

My equipment:


E-mu Proteus 2 - Orchestral (1989)

Roland Sound Canvas SC-88 (1994)

Roland Super JV-1080 (1994)

E-mu Proteus 2000 (1998)


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