Kike Garcia
Madrid - España
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I encountered this woman holding his son while going down the escalator. It was early in the morning and she had to carry him through the journey. This is a tribute to all Mothers who lift the world in their hands

Registrado en Safe Creative

Código: 2312236463558
Fecha: 23-dic-2023 07:55 UTC
Autor: kikegarcia
Licencia: Todos los derechos reservados

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Sobre el creador

“Just a nerdy engineer mind-ing my emotions ”

As an engineer, I value very much diving into the human soul, away from rigid goals. It's important to work out the numbers down to 1e-10 precision, but also embracing the vulnerability depicted in Art.

I guess there's virtue in the middle ❤️ 🧠

Drawing by Jon Petter Vorren

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