Juan Aragüés Benedet
Juan Aragüés Benedet
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“Capturing Moments, Creating Eternity”

I was born in Zaragoza. From my earliest years, I was drawn to photography and the ability to capture fleeting moments and transform them into eternity. But my focus went beyond merely taking pictures; I wanted to convey emotions and bring happiness to people.

After graduating, I immersed myself in the world of industrial photography, working in this field for 6 years. One day, I decided to create a turning point, to embark on a journey of self-discovery. Soon, I discovered that my true passion lay in capturing thoughts and ideas in my images.

Each photograph becomes a window to my imagination, where thoughts and emotions intertwine in a poetic ballet. The images are not just portraits or landscapes; they are my deepest reflections and most intimate dreams brought to tangible reality. The creative process turned into therapy, a way to free my mind and let my ideas flow freely.

As I continue to evolve, my work evolves as well. The goal is to capture happiness in all its forms and nuances. Each image is a reminder of the hidden beauty in everyday details and an invitation to appreciate the magic found in simplicity.

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