Dimitrios Bitzenis
Dimitrios Bitzenis
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Dimitrios Bitzenis is an artist that was the leader in the music group "Proxies" in the mid-'80s when they released the minimal synth album "Groovin' over Beirut". Since then he has been awarded many times internationally for his songwriting and production skills in JLSC, Unisong, and Indaba in Dance and Rock music. Since 2016 he has been releasing numerous music tracks under his name and his trademarked publishing company "Freesongs" surpassing 3500 tracks in several genres (September 2023).Dimitrios Bitzenis is an artist that was the leader in the music group "Proxies" in the mid-'80s when they released the minimal synth album "Groover Beirut". Since then he has been awarded many times internationally for his songwriting and production skills in JLSC, Unisong, and Indaba in Dance and Rock music.

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