Jairo Jaramillo
Jairo Jaramillo
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“Maestro de los punchlines!”

Jairo Jaramillo, better known by his stage name Harambass_p, is a dedicated bass player and talented music writer based in Barcelona, Spain. He has been working hard to carve out a place for himself in the music industry, and his passion and dedication to his craft have not gone unnoticed.

Jairo's love for music began at a young age, and he has spent countless hours practicing and perfecting his skills as a bass player. He is a versatile musician who can play a variety of genres, including rock, funk, jazz, hip hop and latin.

In addition to his skills as a bass player, Jairo is also a talented music writer. He has written numerous songs that showcase his ability to craft memorable melodies and thought-provoking lyrics. Jairo's music has a wide-ranging appeal, blending different genres and styles to create a sound that is uniquely his own.

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