Daniel Cedero of "Club de Piragüismo Pobla Marina" at the XV Eurochallenge 2024 - La Vila Joiosa (Alicante) - SPAIN
JPG 4896 x 3672 Digital - 2024
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About the work

Daniel Cedero of "Club de Piragüismo Pobla Marina" once reached the finish line at the XV Eurochallenge 2024 that took place on 27th April in La Vila Joiosa (Alicante) - SPAIN.

JPG 4896 x 3672 Digital

Photo: Arturo Hernández Santodomingo © All rights reserved.

ISNI 0000 0005 0261 5188

Registered at Safe Creative

Code: 2405017839724
Date: May 1 2024 21:51 UTC
Author: Arturo Hernández Santodomingo
License: All rights reserved

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About the creator


Visual Arts | Photography | Independent | Post-punk | Valencia |

Based in Valencia SPAIN © All rights reserved

ISNI 0000 0005 0261 5188

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