Carlos Arroba
Carlos Arroba
Visual arts / Literature / Music
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“A retired computer scientist shapes his own life into a film that fuses literature, visual art, electronic music and technology, guiding the audience on a journey of spiritual self-discovery. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Un informático retirado plasma su propia vida en una película que fusiona la literatura, el arte visual, la música electrónica y la tecnología, guiando al público en un viaje de autodescubrimiento espiritual.”

Carlos Arroba began his artistic career in 2019, leaving behind his profession as a computer scientist. He dedicated himself to writing and photography. He published his first book, “FREE YOUR SOUL: It's time to wake up”, in 2020. After retiring for three years to write a complete catalog of human emotions. He shared his learnings on the social network, where he met his executive producer and partner, Yazmin Campos.

In 2023, he published his first songs and created a unique musical audiobook format. He republished his second book and audiobook “@ ABRAZA A TU NIÑO INTERIOR” with artificial intelligence generated images and electronic music songs. He experimented with his own music videos, creating a new visual, auditory and artistic paradigm. In 2024 he turned everything he learned into his first experimental film “@ DESPIERTA TU ALMA. A journey of self-discovery.”

mario a. pena
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