About the work
In 2033, the Earth is on the brink of collapse under the weight of climate change. Relentless droughts, devastating floods, super hurricanes, and unprecedented storms have plunged the world into environmental chaos. In this bleak setting, Pandora 2033: Ultimatum to Humanity is a captivating short story of science fiction and suspense that promises to engage readers from the first to the last page. It includes COLOR ILLUSTRATIONS that enhance the reading experience.
Liam finds himself at a crossroads of fate when he receives an unexpected call from his friend Alexander. From a dark corner of Boston, a disturbing possibility emerges: the chance to alter the course of humanity's history. But does this opportunity represent a true salvation for life on our planet, or is it merely the delusion of a disturbed mind? With the future of life on Earth hanging by a thread, Liam delves into a mystery that leads him to question reality, facing a potential ultimatum for humanity.
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Mar 20, 2024, 11:03 PM
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Work information
Title PANDORA 2033: Ultimatum to Humanity
In 2033, the Earth is on the brink of collapse under the weight of climate change. Relentless droughts, devastating floods, super hurricanes, and unprecedented storms have plunged the world into environmental chaos. In this bleak setting, Pandora 2033: Ultimatum to Humanity is a captivating short story of science fiction and suspense that promises to engage readers from the first to the last page. It includes COLOR ILLUSTRATIONS that enhance the reading experience.
Liam finds himself at a crossroads of fate when he receives an unexpected call from his friend Alexander. From a dark corner of Boston, a disturbing possibility emerges: the chance to alter the course of humanity's history. But does this opportunity represent a true salvation for life on our planet, or is it merely the delusion of a disturbed mind? With the future of life on Earth hanging by a thread, Liam delves into a mystery that leads him to question reality, facing a potential ultimatum for humanity.
Work type Narrative, Essay
Tags science fiction, climate apocalypse, genetic engineering science fiction, short story, apocalyptic book, climate fiction, climate change fiction
Registry info in Safe Creative
Identifier 2403207392387
Entry date Mar 20, 2024, 11:03 PM UTC
License All rights reserved
Copyright registered declarations
Author 100.00 %. Holder J. F. RHODEHOUSE. Date Mar 20, 2024.
Information available at https://www.safecreative.org/work/2403207392387-pandora-2033-ultimatum-to-humanity