
About the work

"Museums: Passion for History" by Alejandro Ahumada reflects on the author's deep appreciation for museums, particularly those dedicated to archaeology and history. It narrates personal stories that connect the author's life experiences with historical and technological artifacts, illustrating a profound connection between personal history, technological evolution, and the broader human experience. These narratives traverse from childhood memories in Chile, encounters with ancient technologies, to reflections on the significance of preserving history through museums and personal recollections.

Literary: Other

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Declaration Date: Feb 22, 2024, 12:41 PM

Identification level: High

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Declaration Date: Feb 22, 2024, 12:41 PM

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Alejandro Ahumada Avila
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Title Museums
"Museums: Passion for History" by Alejandro Ahumada reflects on the author's deep appreciation for museums, particularly those dedicated to archaeology and history. It narrates personal stories that connect the author's life experiences with historical and technological artifacts, illustrating a profound connection between personal history, technological evolution, and the broader human experience. These narratives traverse from childhood memories in Chile, encounters with ancient technologies, to reflections on the significance of preserving history through museums and personal recollections.
Work type Literary: Other
Tags museums, history


Registry info in Safe Creative

Identifier 2402226988519
Entry date Feb 22, 2024, 12:41 PM UTC
License All rights reserved


Copyright registered declarations

Author. Holder Alejandro Ahumada Avila. Date Feb 22, 2024.

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