About the work
El gusanito Jorge vive con sus abuelos en un hermoso bosque y, a pesar de crecer sin sus progenitores, es feliz, ya que su vida transcurre rodeada de la atención y el cariño de sus seres cercanos.
Cada día de camino al colegio será para el pequeño una gran aventura.
Jorge the Teeny Worm lives with his grandparents in a beautiful forest and, in spite of growing up without his parents, he is happy because his life is surrounded by the attention and affection of those close to him.
Every day on the way to school is a great adventure for the teeny worm.
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Title El gusanito Jorge Versión bilingüe castellano-inglés
El gusanito Jorge vive con sus abuelos en un hermoso bosque y, a pesar de crecer sin sus progenitores, es feliz, ya que su vida transcurre rodeada de la atención y el cariño de sus seres cercanos.
Cada día de camino al colegio será para el pequeño una gran aventura.
Jorge the Teeny Worm lives with his grandparents in a beautiful forest and, in spite of growing up without his parents, he is happy because his life is surrounded by the attention and affection of those close to him.
Every day on the way to school is a great adventure for the teeny worm.
Work type Literary: Other
Tags animales, poemas y rimas, amor y cariño, mascota, sueño y fantasía
Registry info in Safe Creative
Identifier 2203060653263
Entry date Mar 6, 2022, 1:47 PM UTC
License All rights reserved
Copyright registered declarations
Author 100.00 %. Holder Sonia Pérez de la Fuente. Date Mar 6, 2022.
Information available at https://www.safecreative.org/work/2203060653263-el-gusanito-jorge-version-bilingue-castellano-ingles