A través de sueños distantes (Memoria)

About the work

Full documentation (in spanish) of the composition process of my electroacoustic work "A través de sueños distantes".

stochastic music
neural networks
granular synthesis
electroacoustic music
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Vicente Solsona Dellá
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A través de sueños distantes
Vicente Solsona Dellá Vicente Solsona Dellá ,
Electroacoustic composition in 5 movements, which employs stochastic music, granular synthesis and timbre manipulation with neural networks.
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0
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Work information

Title A través de sueños distantes (Memoria)
Full documentation (in spanish) of the composition process of my electroacoustic work "A través de sueños distantes".
Work type Music
Tags stochastic music, neural networks, granular synthesis, electroacoustic music


Registry info in Safe Creative

Identifier 1609269282555
Entry date Sep 26, 2016, 6:08 PM UTC
License Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0


Copyright registered declarations

Author. Holder Vicente Solsona Dellá. Date Sep 26, 2016.


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Related to: 1609269282234 - A través de sueños distantes

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