About the work
Cierro mis ojos y te agarro
pero el corazón es triste
es otro sueño insomnio
Abro mis ojos y te pierdo.
El tiempo camina lentamente
el corazón se para rapidamente
Chiudo gli occhi e t'afferro
ma il cuore é triste
é solo un altro sogno insonne.
Apro gli occhi e ti perdo
il tempo avanza lentamente
il cuore si ferma rapidamente
I close my eyes and I grab you
but the heart is sad
it is another insomnia dream
I open my eyes and I lost you.
The time walks slowly
the heart
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Title D.
Cierro mis ojos y te agarro
pero el corazón es triste
es otro sueño insomnio
Abro mis ojos y te pierdo.
El tiempo camina lentamente
el corazón se para rapidamente
Chiudo gli occhi e t'afferro
ma il cuore é triste
é solo un altro sogno insonne.
Apro gli occhi e ti perdo
il tempo avanza lentamente
il cuore si ferma rapidamente
I close my eyes and I grab you
but the heart is sad
it is another insomnia dream
I open my eyes and I lost you.
The time walks slowly
the heart
Work type Literary: Other
Registry info in Safe Creative
Identifier 1411152537709
Entry date Nov 15, 2014, 11:57 PM UTC
License All rights reserved
Copyright registered declarations
Author. Holder Danubio Blackhood. Date Nov 15, 2014.
Information available at https://www.safecreative.org/work/1411152537709-d-