Platino Educa and Safe Creative sign promotional agreement
- Creators and rights holders may request the inclusion of their works, which will be evaluated by a pedagogical team that will assess the didactic, innovative and original nature of the works for their inclusion in the PLATINO EDUCA catalog.
Madrid, February 16 -. PLATINO EDUCA and Safe Creative have signed an agreement for the promotion of the works of Safe Creators users who, voluntarily, wish to have access, as owners and content generators, to PLATINO EDUCA’s catalog of works, through the website: https://www.safecreators.com/platinoeduca.
Thus, Safe Creators may apply to insert short, original works that can be used as didactic or pedagogical resources, whether audiovisual, literary, phonographic or software (application or entertainment), which can be used by teachers as a tool, technique or pedagogical methodology, in any curricular subject for primary, secondary, high school, vocational training and university students. Innovative resources that favor the achievement of mathematical, reading and natural science competencies according to the PISA report (Program for International Student Assessment Report) will be valued.
Applicant works will be evaluated by the pedagogical team of PLATINO EDUCA in terms of their educational value, innovation and originality, and, if selected and obtained the relevant authorizations from the owners of the works, these resources will remain in the public area of the platform for at least one year, always recognizing the identity of the owner of the work. Depending on the degree of use of the resource by Platinum Educa users, it will be assessed and proposed to the rights holder the incorporation of the same to the platform on a stable basis, publicizing the same, as well as its authorship, in Platinum Educa publications and social networks.
With this collaboration, PLATINO EDUCA continues its commitment to a meticulous selection of Spanish and Latin American audiovisual works segmented by subjects and ages ranging from 3 years old to over 18 years old. At the same time, the platform has educational guides for teachers that have been prepared by specialists in film and education that provide key elements for the chosen work to be an effective complement to the pedagogical objectives set by the teacher and the school.
PLATINO EDUCA (https://www.platinoeduca.com/), an initiative promoted by EGEDA (Entidad de Gestión de los Productores Audiovisuales) with the collaboration of FIPCA (Federación Iberoamericana de Productores Cinematográficos y Audiovisuales), is a digital platform of legal audiovisual content and educational resources aimed at schools, universities and other institutions that make up the educational community that aims to motivate and educate through film and other arts that will be incorporated into the tool.
Currently, the platform has 225 audiovisual works, as well as 155 didactic guides registered in Safe Creative to work on curricular content for subjects such as Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Language and Literature or Mathematics. Platino Educa also shows its commitment to education in values, the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda and the creation of a sustainable economic, social and environmental model.
EGEDA. is the non-profit organization for the management of audiovisual producers’ rights. Founded in 1990, it represents and defends the interests of audiovisual producers derived from the rights recognized and protected by Intellectual Property Laws. The entity is active in Spain, but is also present in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru and Uruguay, as well as having an office in the United States.
SAFE CREATIVE. It is a company that offers technological systems for the generation and management of evidence of authorship and related rights in both analog and digital environments. Since its creation in 2007, the project has become a regular interlocutor in relation to policies and other aspects of the intellectual property field. It currently has more than 360,000 users and more than four million registered works.
SAFE CREATORS. It is a Safe Creative project dedicated to creators for the promotion and visualization of professional creatives. Safe Creators allows the publication of works already registered in Safe Creative, as well as highlighting works in each user’s profile, following other creators or contacting them.
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