New version of the web
Draft explanation of new features:
New IDs supported for the following digital certificates: Fabrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre (level 4) and Verisign (Level 3)
# First version with professional services
* The section “My account” includes professional services information assets and the balance available for getting professional services. The acquisition of the balance is free during the test period.
* User can assign a custom thumbnail image of registered works.
* New versions can be registered as work version of one already registered.
* Temporary Licenses: You can define and use custom term temporary licenses.
* Advanced Statistics: The author can see graphs of the consultations and briefing notes downloads of he’s or her’s works, and the list of people who have filed briefs and allowed the author to contact them.
* The private registration is now a professional feature
* Users can show pseudonym in the public profile