About the work
Sometimes D.
Sometimes I hear the wind whisper your name.
Sometimes I feel that the sun cannot warm my skin how your eyes do it.
Sometimes the flame of my heart is so turned off that only you can give him a smile like a spark to recover that fire lost.
Sometimes your absence let the time go so fast to turn yellow, like the pages of a book, my dreams and " graying " my heart.
Sometimes I feel that the light of your face will never leave the dark corners of my soul.
Sometimes when this house is
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Title Sometimes D. (EN_Version)
Sometimes D.
Sometimes I hear the wind whisper your name.
Sometimes I feel that the sun cannot warm my skin how your eyes do it.
Sometimes the flame of my heart is so turned off that only you can give him a smile like a spark to recover that fire lost.
Sometimes your absence let the time go so fast to turn yellow, like the pages of a book, my dreams and " graying " my heart.
Sometimes I feel that the light of your face will never leave the dark corners of my soul.
Sometimes when this house is
Work type Literary: Other
Tags english poetry
Registry info in Safe Creative
Identifier 1411182550822
Entry date Nov 18, 2014, 5:01 AM UTC
License All rights reserved
Copyright registered declarations
Author. Holder Danubio Blackhood. Date Nov 18, 2014.
Information available at https://www.safecreative.org/work/1411182550822-sometimes-d-en_version-